Why raw vegan?

Humans can’t live under water. So to be healthy each specie must eat & live only what they are designed to eat & live.

1. Cooking food destroys its vitamins and biophotons:

Quantum Field Theory: Sun's Impact on the Evolution of DNA ...
(Photo Credit: https://daniwanicki.wordpress.com/2013/11/02/quantum-field-theory-suns-impact-on-the-evolution-of-dna-and-consciousness/)

2. Human bodies are designed to eat plants not meat:

Why vegan
(Photo Credit: Arcoiris Universal)
  • If we eat what we are not designed to eat, will promote disease in time because our bodies may not be able to fully clean them out, remaining stuck in our colons for years
  • Being old does not mean that we have to be sick, but enough time needs to pass for us to see the consequence of our actions. It can take 10/15/20 years for somoene to manifest a cancer/diabetes. Smoking cigarettes neither kills us immideately, but it does not mean that they are good for us. Losing our teeth or having puss in our teeth, getting dementia etc is not a normal/healthy state, no matter the age.
  • Milk is a hormonal/growth blend designed for a specific specie. Dairy products are also the highest producig source of mucus/phlegm in the human body. Cows don’t produce calcium, they also get it from the plants they eat.
  • Meat becomes toxic in the human body. And today the animals grown for human consumption live in very inhumane conditions, squeezed in together, they can’t move or see the sun, get very sick from that and the food they are fed, so are pumped with antibiotics and growth hormones to speed up the end target, and then eatting that, imbued with all the bad chemicals created in the bodies of those animals from all the suffering and unhealthy lifestyle, is supposed to make us healthy in any way?
  • Fish contains heavy metals. All our waste water is treated (but not everything can be removed, like antibiotics, contraceptive pills etc) and then thrown back into the ocean, which also has other pollution sources like petroleum plants, leaks from nuclear plants etc.
  • Eggs increase the risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes, kidney failure, artery clogging plaque etc
  • Buying animal products promotes animal cruelty. We can live without killing others, so why not choose that? All our actions have consequences. If none would buy meat products anymore, businesses would soon adapt, as they are doing now with making available more vegan products.



Why no milk?

  • Cows do NOT produce calcium, they take it from the plants they eat (if they are given any plants in the factories where they are grown). The plants get the calcium from the soil. The calcium and other minerals become available in the ground if there are bacteria that can break rocks and other mineral sources from the earth into the absorbable minerals (as they do it in our intestines to help us absorb the nutrients from the foods we are eating). The bacteria from the earth will be there only if the earth was not sprayed with substances that would kill them. Also the bacteria can produce the minerals only if the earth has those minerals, if the earth is depleted the plant won’t have the minerals, nor will the cow. So animals have certain nutrients not because they produce them, but because they eat plants which may contain those nutrients, or they eat other animals which eat plants that may contain those nutrients. So even eating vegan may not supply you with enough nutrients if the earth they were grown in was depleted of them:

Why no meat?

  • “There are studies that clearly correlate animal protein with illness and with turning on cancer genes. No study found that about plant protein. The casein in the cow’s milk is the most relevant chemical carcinogen ever tested.” doctor T. Colin Campbell PhD:

  • Acid foods, like animal protein(meats and dairy) are depleting the calcium from our bones to neutralize the acidity in our body which would otherwise promote illness. Also the milk and other fats from animals contain antibiotics and other toxins that the animals are given to reduce illness and stay alive for the farmers to produce more. Milk also naturally contains a lot of hormones needed by a baby calf to grow, because milk is produced only when an animal is pregnant, and is perfectly designed for their offspring but for no other specie. A cow baby is huge compared with a human one, so imagine giving a human baby as many growth hormones a cow baby is getting from his mom’s milk. No other animal drinks the milk of other animals. Also the cow’s milk is knows to contain puss, and creates excess of mucus in the human body. 

  • Milk is also connected with triggering allergies, asthma, tonsilitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer etc.

  • Livestock produce 37% of methane known to increase global warming and promote climate change which can greatly affect all of us in the next 12 years (by 2030). And every second 100000 animals are killed for human consumption. Growing animals is also very expensive on the planet’s resources: it takes 683 gallons of water to grow an animal (to feed the animal and the plants needed to feed the animal), brushing your teeth without closing the water tap could consume up to 1 gallon of water, taking a long shower 20 gallons, washing your car 65 gallons etc. Growing animals also pollutes our waters and destroys the environment.

  • Animal protein contains all the necessary amino acids for humans, but so do plants but in much better ratios for human beings, e.g.: leucine helps to build muscles but too much can lead to aging and possibly cancer, methionine feeds cancer cells etc.

  • Eating meat and dairy promotes animal cruelty: animals are born these days and never see the light of day, their live all their lives in inhumane unhealthy conditions and we expect their unhealthy flesh and milks to keep us healthy? Sure when we’re young we don’t see the effects immediately, but as we age the effects of a lifetime behaviour will become visible. It takes 10/15 years to actually get a manifesting cancer or diabetes. Also animals grown for food are artificially inseminated as often as possible otherwise they would not produce milk, and when they can’t produce as much milk anymore they are killed for their meat. If none in the world would eat meat anymore there would be no company in the world that would sell it anymore. We have a lot of power with our choices in deciding what stays and what goes:


Why no fish?

  • Fish contains heavy metals which can cause serious problems in the human body
  • The danger of giving up meat but not also the fish, is that you may over eat fish now, when before you may have eatten fish 2/3 times a week and in the rest of the time meat and other things, now you may eat it 2/3 times a day, so you will do yourself much more harm than before giving up meat just because of the higher quantity of heavy metals you may be getting from the fish you’re eatting. Some fish are known to have more heavy metals than others.
  • If you investigate what happens with the tap/toilet water, you will discover that it gets treated after consumption and then it’s taken by big boats and dumped in the middle of the ocean, where fish will be exposed to it, ingest it, get stored in their flesh and then we eat them and get exposed to what they ate etc.

Why no eggs?